Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Just a few moment ago, I had one of the weirdest dreams I have ever seen, if not the weirdest. In the beginning, I saw myself sitting in the middle of the busy road, with our asses on the road, in front of the gate number 2 of my university with a friend of mine, named Shayak. We were discussing something (most probably, the topic was related to studies). I was listening to some songs.I asked Shayak, "Hey! Have you listened to Dire Straits?" [I remember asking this question to another friend of mine today in the college, in reality] Shayak replied, " No."
After a while, he said "I am going inside the college. I am coming after a while", and he went in. I went on listening to the music and smoking some cigarettes. After a while, he came back. He was not Shayak now. He was Pavel, another friend of mine. [It seems suddenly Shayak transformed into Pavel, or else how can,being the same person, Shayak go in and Pavel come out? I didn't realize it in my dream, but did so in reality,when I was thinking about it.] By then, I had shifted my place a bit due to the traffic police asking me to sit somewhere else. Pavel asked me why I had shifted and I told him the reason. Then I asked him, “Have you listened to Scorpions?” Pavel replied, “No.”
Then I took out my cigarette box to light up one cigarette. I generally smoke ‘Gold Flake’. But suddenly I saw I was smoking ‘Four Square’. I realized that may be the shop-keeper had made a mistake in giving me Gold Flake and gave me Four Square. Pavel said, ”Lol! That made you suffer a loss.” I said,” What loss! I just gave Rs. 10 for 4 Gold Flakes that I thought to buy, and ended up having 4 Four Squares of Rs. 2 each. So the loss is of mere Rs. 2.” [Actually Gold Flake costs Rs. 3 per cigarette, but due to an unknown reason, in my dream, it was Rs 2.50. This had an effect after a bit (in reality). Go through the dream. You will get to know what the effect was.]
So hoping that the box contains 4 Four Squares, I took out the cigarettes and saw one of the weirdest and the craziest things possible! Among the four, one was a Four Square. I saw that among the rest of them, the name of the brand of two cigarettes was my ex-girlfriend’s name!!!!! I told Pavel, “See! Only the first name could have matched. But see, what the fuck!! The surname also matches.”[the name was there where the name of the brand of a cigarette is usually written] I took out the remaining cigarette and I couldn’t realize which brand it was of. Nor could my friend Pavel tell.
Suddenly I woke up, as there was a power-cut.

After I woke up, I felt like going out as there was a power-cut. I took a 5-rupee coin to buy two Gold Flakes, as per the cost in my dream, forgetting that in real life it’s Rs. 3 per cigarette. I told the shopkeeper: “ Two Gold Flakes please.” He gave me one and was giving back a 2-rupee coin to me. I said, “Two Gold Flakes I said!” He said, “You gave me Rs. 5. Two Gold Flakes will cost Rs. 6.”
That is when I realized what I had seen in my dream and said, “ Oh yeah! Okay. Give me a Silk Cut or a Four Square.”

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Well, this is not a topic related to my life in any way. I was just running short of a topic to write on. So I thought to take this as one. There is this friend of mine in my department. He is actually a hardcore-drinker. He has been drinking since class 11 may be( I'm not sure though). After 1st year 2nd sem, his liver got damaged and he was taken to Hyderabad. There, he was under the treatment of one of the best doctors in that field ( I don't remember the exact name of the field now) in India.

Now, when the doctor asked him the reason for which his liver got damaged, he said "I study electronics engineering. So we have to prepare Silicon-diode, for which we need Silicon-etching. For Silicon etching, we need CF4 ( Carbon tetra-fluoride), that's harmful for liver. I mistakenly inhaled that. So my liver got damaged."

The funniest thing is that the doctor believed what my friend said. Now it takes a lot of depth of knowledge to make a fool out of such a doctor.


I am no expert in criticizing a film or a director or whatever, that too a man like Chris Nolan. I was first awestruck when I saw The Prestige. The narration, the storyline really drew my attention. Then came The Dark Knight. Heath Ledger really gave his best, perhaps that's the perfect swansong. Then came Memento, Batman Begins, Insomnia and finally Following.

To me, the Christopher Nolan-Christian Bale duo is just a magical one. Giving films like The Prestige, Batman Begins and The Dark Knight is not a cup of tea you see? I don't want to waste words behind this genius. I am rather not a person to do so. His works speak for himself. Those of you who haven't seen this great man's works have surely missed something in life. His fluid way of narration in the film Insomnia,telling us about the effects the life of Alaska,or any country having 6 months of daylight and 6 months of darkness( forgot the geographical term, if there is any) can have on a person from a place like L.A.,ie. not from a place like Alaska, is really superb. He showed he is equally capable of directing a black and white movie in this era( Following) as he is with the coloured ones. He can give us stories of 18th century in The Prestige, and can also give us a superhero in Batman. His unparallel style of narration in Memento made me think for days that "How can this kind of idea come to someone's mind and how can he even raise it to such a level of perfection?!?!"

Monday, February 9, 2009


No. I am not going to give lectures on the Hindi film out here. It has got no connection with that film. As you can see, its under the label "Some incidents", so it is related to another interesting incident of my life, may be lesser than what the previous one was.

Just after giving the WBJEE, I went to Kashmir. It was 23rd May I guess. After we reached Srinagar, we learned that Mr. Manmohan Singh, the P.M. of India was also there in Srinagar to attend some meeting. Anyway, it was too late in the night when we reached. So we didn't have anything to do other than having the dinner and going for sleep. The next morning, when we woke up, we came to know that everything in our itinerary was postponed by one day, thanks to Mr. P.M.'s prolonged stay. As usual, we started to shower curses on him, without knowing that he would ultimately become a "blessing in disguise" for us.

The next day, we were to go to Sonmarg. As I told, our schedule got postponed by a day and we couldn't go there on the scheduled day. Later, we heard that there was a landmine explosion on the way to Sonmarg, on the day we were to go there.

After I experienced the tsunami incident and this one, one of my friends often say that the Indian Governemnt should follow me wherever I go, so that it becomes aware of the fact that a mishap or a natural calamity or a disaster may follow.


26th DECEMBER 2004-- DO YOU REMEMBER THE DAY? I guess you don't, do you? Well, how many of us remember a day or a date that has got nothing to do with our lives even though it is a very important date? But I still remember the day. I was in Port Blair. After waking up in the morning, I was having tea and watching the Sri Lanka-New Zealand one-day match ( may be a highlights, I don't remember it). Suddenly I felt the cup in my hand was trembling. I thought, may be I was still in a trance and needed a short sleep. Then I thought( one of the weirdest thoughts I guess), may be the ship, that just now whistled, was the reason for this trembling, as it was setting off for a journey. Still, I had no idea what was waiting for us. Then suddenly, someone shouted out, "Earthquake!!! There is an earthquake!!!" I rushed out, like everyone else and realized there really was an earthquake. Well, I felt glad(!?!) to experience an earthquake for the first time in my life. Then suddenly after a few moments, I saw many a police gathering in our hotel and saying something in the walkie-talkie. Some of us asked them and the hotel manager what the matter was.

We came to know that we just now experienced a tsunami, that had struck havoc in many parts of the Nicobar islands along with Indonesia and other countries( obviously you don't expect me to remember the names of those countries, do you?).

Well, what I tried to mean in this whole post was that I was in Port Blair during that tsunami struck.( A very long way to imply that, isn't it?) 


So, finally I am also in this thing called BLOGGING. Well, actually, one evening, I was getting kind of bored and had no idea what to do. So, I thought let me give it a try and create a blog. Obviously as expected, this blog may not be as updated as you may think it to be, because afterall it's me, one of the laziest guys you may have seen in your whole life. I am not actually here to give my bio-data. So to introduce myself in short, to those who don't know me, I am a student of the department of Electronics & Tele-Communication Engineering, Jadavpur University, presently in 3rd year. I gave my Madhyamik(10th level) from St. Lawrence High School and my Higher Secondary(+2) from Jodhpur Park Boys' School. So much for the introduction. Now I feel I have written too much for the day. Anyways, the pictures are of mine, as far as I think, when I was in class 8 and in 3rd year.