Thursday, April 15, 2010


Well! The long run has finally come to an end. It's time to bid good bye to JU-the place where I spent the most enjoyable phase in my life. Long four years in JU, where I met some of my best friends in my life, has ended. And I am definitely not feeling well about this. Well, it's a rule of nature. Everything that comes, has to go. This is no exception either. But the truth is, it's sayonara-time. After a few days, all of us will be scattered throughout the world, hardly having any contact with each other. What is most important, we will miss our adda sessions, the times we used to sit in our favorite Gachhtola for hours and gossip on anything that came in our mind. At least I will. It is impossible to pen down my exact feelings of what I will miss for not being in JU. It was as if yesterday, when I first set my feet in this college. I remember meeting my friend from the last school, Nirmalya, in front of the gate. I asked him where was he going and in which department. I was joyous listening to his answers. "Ah! That's well! At least I have got one more acquaintance in my dept!" I had five (actually six, but don't want to mention it. So don't ask.) other friends in my department already. My first day wasn't bad. I wasn't ragged. A senior, whom I knew, saved my ass. That was the first day, and a memorable one in my life. It is still so fresh in my mind that I feel this to be yesterday. Days went by. I made many other friends. Many happy moments, as well as sad ones, came and went by between that day and today. But every memory is still ingrained in me as fresh as if I just had those experiences a few seconds ago. It really hurts to leave those memories and the place associated with these memories behind.